A la Comunidad
De colectivos zapatistas
Sexta Internacional
Comisión Interamericana
de Derechos Humanos
Amnistía Internacional
Independientes y otros.
Preso político de la
“Voz del Amate” Alberto Patishtán Gómez, adherente de la otra
campaña del EZLN, desde este penal federal cefereso No. 8, Guasave,
Sinaloa, México, me permito enviarles mis saludos combativos,
deseándole a todos éxitos en sus luchas y que Dios siempre los guíe
a todos.
Compañeros (as) todos
(as) de la misma causa de la misma esperanza y del mismo amor a la
verdadera justicia. Es un gusto para mi escribirles unas cuentas
palabras, mi intensión es decirles que estoy muy agradecido por sus
cobijamientos de apoyos de solidaridad de mi causa, la cual le doy
las gracias a todos por sus múltiples acciones y créanme que sus
palabras no solo las he oído, sino más bien la he escuchado y esto
a quedado impregnado hacia mi espíritu que me hace llevar la verdad
siempre a todos. Como verán los gobiernos mexicanos han querido y
quieren callarme separándome de mis abogados, amigos y familias del
injusto traslado mas en respuesta de esto quiero decir que mientras
exista la injusticia ni muerto puedo callar, porque morir es vivir
hacia los demás, Bien compañeros es todo, tengan mucho ánimo que
no están solos, sigan adelante el pueblo los necesita, yo aquí
orare por ustedes Dios les Bendiga a todos, disculpen por no centrar
mis letras al margen es por mi enfermedad de la que padezco de mis
ojos. Gracias.
La Voz del Amate
Alberto Patishtan Gómez
“Morir o vivir por la
verdad y la justicia”
Desde el Norte de México,
Cefereso No. 8 de Guasave Sinaloa a 11 de abril del 2012.
the international community of Zapatista collectives
Commission on Human Rights
organizations and others
Alberto Patishtan Gomez, Political Prisoner of “the Voice of el
Amate" ("La Voz del Amate"), adherent to
the Other Campaign of the EZLN, from this federal prison
CEFERESO No.8, Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, would like to send you my
combative greetings, wishing all of of you success in your struggles
and hoping that God will always guide you all.
from the same cause, with the same hopes and the same love for
True Justice; it is a pleasure for me to write a few words to you, my
intention is to say that I am very grateful for your protective
support and solidarity with my cause; I thank everyone for
their many actions; believe me that your words have not only been
heard, but even more, those who hear have been impregnated with the
spirit which helps me always to bring the truth to everyone; as you
can see the Mexican governments have wanted and still want to silence
me, aTo the international community of Zapatista collectives
the international community of Zapatista collectives
Commission on Human Rights
organizations and others
Alberto Patishtan Gomez, Political Prisoner of “the Voice of el
Amate" ("La Voz del Amate"), adherent to
the Other Campaign of the EZLN, from this federal prison
CEFERESO No.8, Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, would like to send you my
combative greetings, wishing all of of you success in your struggles
and hoping that God will always guide you all.
Commission on Human Rights
organizations and others
Alberto Patishtan Gomez, Political Prisoner of “the Voice of el
Amate" ("La Voz del Amate"), adherent to
the Other Campaign of the EZLN, from this federal prison
CEFERESO No.8, Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, would like to send you my
combative greetings, wishing all of of you success in your struggles
and hoping that God will always guide you all.
from the same cause, with the same hopes and the same love for
True Justice; it is a pleasure for me to write a few words to you, my
intention is to say that I am very grateful for your protective
support and solidarity with my cause; I thank everyone for
their many actions; believe me that your words have not only been
heard, but even more, those who hear have been impregnated with the
spirit which helps me always to bring the truth to everyone; as you
can see the Mexican governments have wanted and still want to silence
me, aTo the international community of Zapatista collectives
to separate me from my lawyers, friends and family through my unjust
transfer; in response to this I want to say that as long as there is
injustice, not even death can silence me, for to die is to live
through others; well, compañer@s, this is all my wond to separate me
from my lawyers, friends and family through my unjust transfer; in
response to this I want to say that as long as there is injustice,
not even death can silence me, for to die is to live through others;
well, compañer@s, this is all my word, have much encouragement that
you are not alone, move forward for the people need you, I will pray
for you here.
bless all of you, forgive me for not writing clearly because of my
eye disease. Thank you.
Voice of el Amate
die or to live for truth and justice"
Northern Mexico, CEFERESO no. 8, Guasave, Sinaloa, April 11,
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